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  3. Construction TWP Pro
  4. Installation Process
  5. 1. How to install Your Theme

1. How to install Your Theme

Install Construction TWP Pro via WordPress


Step 1 – Log into your WordPress website and go to Appearance > Themes and click Add New.


Step 2 – Click  Upload Theme.



Step 3 – Browse the Construction TWP Pro.zip file on your computer and click Install Now.


Step 4 – Once WordPress has unpacked and installed the theme, just click to activate it.


Install Fitness TWP Pro via FTP


Step 1 – Unzip the Construction TWP Pro.zip file, you’ll get a folder Construction TWP Pro.


Step 2 – Upload that folder to wp-content/themes folder on your host.



Step 3  – Go to Appearance > Themes and activate the Construction TWP Pro theme.


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