5 Reasons Why You Should Hire A WordPress Agency For Custom Theme Development

Still, pondering whether you should hire a custom theme development agency or not? Here we give you 5 reasons why you should hire a WordPress agency for custom theme development by professionals.

WordPress has become quite a big name among web development and CMS platforms. Actually, it has not become the preferred CMS for most users, developers, and dev agencies when it comes to web development. According to an article on Forbes, WordPress powers more than 43% of websites all over the net. Its functionalities, such as drag-and-drop, have made it the most preferred platform on the web for custom theme development.

Besides this, an extensive library of easy-to-use plugins is the cause of why custom WordPress development services are growling in the market. In addition, there are other reasons why you should hire a WordPress agency for custom theme development as well.

Table of Contents:

1. Smoothly Aligns With Your Goals
2. Security Guaranteed
3. What About the Performance?
4. Developed with the Latest SEO Standards
5. Excellent Quality Support


1. Smoothly Aligns With Your Goals

A WordPress theme can be an effective medium to collect your business vision. As you may already see, there are tons of free and paid WP themes on the online hubs that you can alter. You can change their looks and layout design. However, everything goes in vain if the theme does not echo your objectives. Deciding on the proper color scheme and font style is not sufficient. This is a delicate matter that only a skilled WordPress agency can manage.

When you hire a WordPress agency to develop your unique theme, there are many things you must answer i.e. What are the objectives that you want to achieve through your site? Is it meant to generate or convert leads and provide products and services? or do you just want to have a site that is unique to you? On a professional level, a WordPress agency will also ask you about your site content, target audience, etc. After executing thorough analysis, filtering data, and apprehending the key requirements of the business, the theme agency can start doing the actual coding.

If you want to learn more about how a WordPress agency operates click here.

2. Security Guaranteed

No doubt, security is of foremost importance to any business. However, the online world is plagued by cyber criminals, attempting to exploit site vulnerabilities. Also, the popularity of WordPress made it home to many hackers and cybercriminals. But the question is, how do hackers get inside a WordPress site? There are ways like using a free theme loaded with junk or breaking down the code of premium ones to find soft spots to breach. Once they find a loophole in the theme, all that’s left is to find the site using that theme and sneak in via the loopholes.

But when getting a custom theme developed by experts, hackers will find it much more difficult to hack. Although it is not always 100% secure from cyber attacks. However, you will be assured that your customized WordPress theme is more secure than free or other premium ones. If you are a digital agency, you can get not only security but also full confidentiality with white label WordPress development services.

3. What About the Performance?

A customized theme guarantees superior performance. Most premium themes are stuffed with many unique and fancy features that you may not require for the success of your business. The code of these features may cause your website to load longer. Loading time and speed is a vital factor for any business site. If it is longer than the standard time (2 sec), your visitors will start to bounce back. Besides the reduced lead generation and sales, this can be a major blow to your website’s SEO rankings as the Bounce Rate begins to increase.

However, you can develop a business-exclusive customized theme that only includes business-related features with a minimal approach, which makes your theme lighter. This way, your theme can have superior performance that enhances user experience. Besides this, you will be assured that your developed theme code has been tested thoroughly to remove any bugs.

4. Developed with the Latest SEO Standards

For any new online business, it is essential to appear on a web search. That’s why building an SEO-optimized site is a must here. The most expensive WordPress themes are packed with SEO features, but you still have to put in a considerable amount of hard work to move your website from an SEO standpoint. So, to ease up your workload, your hired agency builds your unique theme in a way where the theme is not only optimized for speed but for search engine results as well.

Besides keywords, the site layout also plays a significant role in sounder search engine visibility. So, when you build your personal theme from scratch, you can develop its structure optimistic that Google and other search engines will crawl it easily.

5. Excellent Quality Support

When you approach a professional for customized theme development, you expect steady support. Because you are bound to stumble upon issues in one way or another. Initially, your theme may be inconsistent with some settings and plugins, affecting your site performance. Here quality support comes into action.

If you face the same problem with free WordPress themes, you may not be able to get the help you need at that time. You may have to wait a long time to resolve your issues; this could be a nightmare for many websites. But with custom theme development, you will get top-notch quality support. Most of the agencies provide 24*7 reliable support to their clients if anything happens. A development agency is consistently at your service, prepared for changing settings or fixing bugs in the customized theme or site no matter when you ask for help.


Hiring a WordPress theme development agency is not a big decision. One is able to get a lot more benefits than just basic features and functionalities by hiring a good WordPress development company.

Hope these 5 reasons why you should hire a WordPress agency for custom theme development helped you make your decision.

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