7 Best Free WordPress Ads plugin In 2024

If are you searching for the best free WordPress Ads plugin then you have come to the right website today because we will discuss everything about the best WordPress plugin today, with the help of these ad plugins, you can monetize your WordPress site. Even the best advertising agencies are recommending these plugins in order to increase your website earning potential!

If you use these plugins then you can increase your online earnings very easily because it is easy to use and it is a very customizable plugin.

Table of Contents:
1. Ad Inserter
2. Advanced Ads
3. Google Ads
4. Ads by WPQUADS
5. AdRotate
6. Meks Easy Ads Widget
7. In-feed ads for Google AdSense


Also, read


1. Ad Inserter

Ad Inserter- WordPress Ads plugin

Ad Inserter is an advanced WordPress plugin that plugin provides many advanced options like PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and many more, as well as this plugin, provide a syntax highlighting editor, and also you easily view your code preview with visual CSS editor as well as you automatically insert ads much over you insert ads after and before post.

2. Advanced Ads

Advanced Ads 2

Advanced Ads is a good looking WordPress plugin and it is the best WordPress plugin that plugin provides many advanced options as it works best in all networks as well as you include google Adsense, amazon ads, and many more also this plugin is tested and optimize ads also this plugin provides unlimited ad units also available dedicated ad-block for the block editor.

3. Google Ads

Google Ads & Marketing3

Google Ads is the most dynamic and best plugin by using this plugin you show your products in front of millions of online users. Many features available in this plugin like create a merchant center account and also optimize smart product feeds and many more.

4. Ads by WPQUADS


WPQuads Ads is a modern free ads plugin. It is a well-coded plugin as well as this plugin gives many features like provide new web stories integration and click fraud detection, new GDPR, and privacy tools, this is easy to use and built on react JS. This plugin is deeply integrated with AMP. This plugin provides Google Adsense support.

5. AdRotate

AdRotate 5

AdRotate is the best advert manager WordPress plugin and It’s a free WordPress plugin and using this plugin you easily manage affiliate campaigns. Also, this is easy to use plugin and it is best for your website. This plugin works with any advert and you easily manage ads as well as easily manage groups for ads and many more.

6. Meks Easy Ads Widget

Meks Easy Ads Widget- WordPress Ads plugin

Ads Widget is a fully-featured WordPress plugin and it’s a free WordPress plugin and using this plugin you create unlimited ads for your WordPress widget. Also, this plugin provides several smart options and you easily customize your ads for your requirement. This plugin supports both ads like script ads and image-based ads as well as gives autoplay rotate ads option.

7. In-feed ads for Google AdSense

In-feed ads7

Google AdSense is another fully-featured WordPress plugin and its best free image plugin. This plugin provides a fraud monitoring option to protect your Google Adsense as well as this plugin support for caching plugins. It is an SEO-friendly WordPress plugin.


Thank you for visiting our Website Testewp.I hope you like this post and what are your favorite best free WordPress Ads plugins? Please write your view in the comment box.

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